Pardon the dust…

… and/or piles of dry-cleaning hangers.  And behold today’s look and my first blog post from San Francisco!

— J.Crew pacific blue marina-stripe three-button jacket (similar here) — J.Crew navy pencil skirt in super 120s — J.Crew blush perfect-fit tee  (similar here) — J.Crew silk-cashmere wrap — J.Crew back-seam dot tights — Paolo pumps via Nordstrom (seen here) — Marc by Marc Jacobs sunglasses —

I’ve been in San Francisco for 8 days and so far, I am in heaven!  The move was a bit rough (a long story that requires its own post, someday) and I only took a few days off before starting work, so the last week has been a bit crazy.  We love our new neighborhood, and our new apartment, although our new neighbors are… challenging.  Par for the course, I guess.

BUT, even with the challenges of the past week, we are really happy.  The weather has been gorgeous and I love, love, love my new job!  Great fresh start for 2012 (or at least Q2).  🙂

As always, thanks for reading!


7 thoughts on “Pardon the dust…

  1. Slygirl says:

    You look fabulous! I’ve been waiting for you to post a new pic! Miss you tons, but LOVE to see you sooooo happy! XoXo!!!

  2. The GSB says:

    Wooo congrats on the move to SF and on the new job! And from a sartorial POV your new milieu means more opportunities for suits and cashmere and scarves to counter those SF winds (the documentation of which will be fabulous, I’m sure)! PS I don’t know why but I never thought of mixing seersucker with navy…thanks for another fab style idea with this post! 🙂

    • Blondie, Esq. says:

      Aw thanks! I am completely obsessed with all things seersucker. Thinking about a seersucker swimsuit! And holy crap is it windy here… craziness! Definitely growing out my bangs, they do not work in the wind. 🙂

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